Dedication of the Waverley Trail
On Arbor Day (April 27) 2007, a group of Belmont and Waltham citizens, joined by town, city and state officials, celebrated the dedication of the Waverley Trail. Representatives of the Eagle Eye Institute and YouthBuild were on hand to lead the tree- planting efforts in both Belmont and Waltham. The trail dedication and associated tree plantings in the Beaver Brook Reservation were the central focal point of the state’s multi-site Arbor Day festivities.
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
As reported in the Boston Globe on Thursday, June 11, 2009 the Waverley Trail tells the story an important innovation in the history of the American conservation movement.
Under the headline “Celebrating the roots of the land trust movement,” Kathleen Berge of the Globe’s staff reports how the natural beauty in the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Beaver Brook Reservation – a site that spans the town line of Belmont and Waltham – has gained national attention from the 1890s to the present day.
The story includes quotes from trail enthusiasts from near and far: “‘It was the love of these oaks in that place that sparked what is a national and international movement,’ said Rand Wentworth, president of the Land Trust Alliance, a national group based in Washington, D.C.” Read the entire story on the Boston Globe’s website.
Waverley Celebration of Stewardship
An article in the Belmont Citizen-Herald relays information about the Waverley Trail’s Celebration of Stewardship on Thursday June 18, 2009, including details about the past, present, and future stewards of the trail, as well as information about the two speakers, Richard Sullivan, DCR Commissioner, and Rand Wentworth, President of the national Land Trust Alliance.
An extensive article about the Celebration of Stewardship event itself was run by both the Belmont Citizen-Herald and its sister publication, the Daily News Tribune (serving Waltham and Newton, Massachusetts) in the days following the event. Read the full article: A Treasure Preserved
Guidelines for Waverley Trail Guides

The downloadable “Guidelines for Waverley Trail Guides” serves to provide Guidelines for teachers, volunteer Trail Guides and parents who want to walk the Waverley Trail with elementary school children (as well as anyone else curious about the history and heritage of Belmont and Waltham). It was written in 2012 to address the curricular requirements for Massachusetts second graders. It is full of opportunities to use at “teachable moments” that arise during a stroll along the Trail.
Proclamation from Governor Deval Patrick