Scroll down the page for links to each stop along the Trail.
- In regular italics – Signposts with 1 or 2 panels
- In bold italics – Kiosks with 3 panels
- (1,2,3) – Panel numbers
- DCR – Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Waverley Origins

On a kiosk in the green triangle at intersection of Waverley Street and Trapelo Road
An Inspiration to Artists

On the traffic island at the intersection of Lexington Street and Trapelo Road
A Haven in a Country Setting

On the sidewalk in front of 628 Trapelo Road, next to the DCR Playground
Beaver Brook / Charles River

Charles River Watershed | On the walkway, just west of footbridge over Beaver Brook
The White Oak / Stewards

On a post, just south of the DCR Parking Lot for Beaver Brook Reservation on Waverley Oaks Road in